cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Mischa, 5th entry in a day for the second time, Walmart Donuts.

The second straight day with 5 entries. Woohoo. I'm listening to Injected. I finally got burned out on Prince. I should be recharged in an hour or so.

I talked to Chrissy & I got better closure than I expected. I think we're both going to be able to move on and do fine. As I said, I didn't bug her about going out with me once.

I got me some Wal-Mart smiley faced donuts. I used to eat those all the time when I worked there and they gave donuts to us on lunch break. Now my mom just buys them after work. She's getting some big ass check this year that Wally World owes her. She's goin on 10 years there, I think. I was watching the Cosby Show. It's funny when little kids use his phone and call European countries. It's one of those simple retarded pleasures I get. Bill Cosby gets these awesome facial reactions on that show. I'm easily amused.

I'm talkin to one of my internet buddies, Mischa, she's neato. She usually likes good music. She likes Injected & M3. Automatic coolness achieved! I'm going to force her to listen to excessive amounts of Prince next time we talk on the telephone. MWHHAHAA I'M A SICK FUCK!!. Prince rocks.

To update on earlier stories: I'm not hungry, my arm still hurts, and the first two episodes of Cheers tonight rocked. Well I'm going to go.


11:00 p.m. - 2002-05-20


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