cuke15's Diaryland Diary


STP on SNL, heroin, Austin, Dyanne & I (our playing styles)

Damn man, I just had seen an episode of SNL, and STP was the musical guest. It was an early 90s episode and they played "Creep" and "Naked Sunday".. and on "Naked Sunday".. holy shit, their guitarist whailed. I always knew he was one of the best out there today, but damn, he whailed. He wasn't afraid to move either. I loved it. He was having total fun, and he showed real musicianship and talent. In other words, it fucking rocked. On the other hand, "Creep" was overdone, they brought in a 12-string guitarist and a bongo/tamborine player. The vocals were all off key. They're really better full out plugged in and rocking out.

That's what makes Scott Weiland better than Layne Staley as a public image. It's only good when the hero of our story struggles, but defeats the enemy. Layne Staley lost the battle of heroin addiction. Scott Weiland won it. Kurt Cobain lost it. Jimmy Page won it. Sid Vicious lost it. Nikki Sixx won it.

Anyways, I'm not going to judge a person's character, just their image as a public performer. People tell me "Kurt Cobain didn't lose the battle to heroin.. he lost it due to suicide". No shit, but do you think he would have been that down and out if heroin weren't in play? Everyone around him said that was the main cause, not what he claimed to be the main cause.. the "pressures of fame". I just want to clear that up before someone calls me a dumbass for not knowing how Kurt Cobain died, when I'm just stating what drove him to suicide.

This is one of those entries where I talk about stuff that doesn't relate to my life much, but I'd like to get it off my chest. What better place for something like that than my diary? I need another cord for my guitar line, so I can plug in my wah-wah pedal, and I need a couple sets of new strings. I'm going to master the styles of Dean DeLeo of STP on "Naked Sunday". That's a style and flow you want to remember in the type of music that interests me. The wah-wah use on that song is very awesome. I haven't realized til I looked back in my diary how much of an effect STP has had on me. I've always liked them as a band, and have always totally dug the tunes.. but I can see how my guitar playing is (and is going to be) influenced by them. I want a singer in my band that has that passion. I now realize what my friend Austin (his band is Bahnson.) meant by "There hasn't been an album out that rocks with passion like this since "Core" By STP." when he bought Injected on Feb 26th (the day it was released) on my suggestion.

I gotta tell Leo to tell Dyanne I wanna talk to her today and to ask what time to call her. I wonder if Dyanne got her PS2 yet. I got to tell her about how awesome "Naked Sunday" was... If it was that awesome through the TV, it must be so awesome live. He looked like he had the passion of Ryan from Greenwheel. Muy Bueno. Not the most amazing I've seen, but it would be up there if I were ACTUALLY there. I remember Dyanne was supposed to show me how to play "Plush" by STP, but her friend made us late and she got grounded. Dyanne and I are funny when it comes to playing guitar together. The shit we play, the other can't 90% of the time. It's not that one of us is better, it's just that our picking techniques are completely different. I work on speed and no string skips, like "Used Up" or "Bullet" (which you will soon be hearing on radio) by Injected.. and she does these appregiated parts really well like "Tomorrow" by Silverchair. They go really well together too. We just have to get things straightened up.

Well I'm going to go.

3:30 a.m. - 2002-05-21


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