cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Used Up

I was told I was "fucking with Chrissy's head". I haven't spoken to her in atleast a month and a half. That's really an intelligent statement. Notice the sarcasm.

I just got back from spending some time with Dyanne, playing ping pong, pool, running the treadmills.. All kinds of shit. It's good that I've finally seen her as a complete friend instead of a complete possibility of going out with. Anyways, Sorry I haven't written in a while: here's Injected's "Used Up". DGrady emailed me and told me he put me on the guestlist in Pensacola. I can't go though. Oh well :/. I hate missing free shows.. Here's the tune

you're my target, you're my ticket
safe and secure in a hopeless smile.
used up one you're a torch for some,
but for me it's an itch, it's a pain, it's a trial

wait for your eyes to give it away
still looking for something to say
your eyes still give it away
when you take what you fake

you're just a used up girl living in your useless world
you've got no faith to speak of, only pain
you're just a sad sad trick
when you're overcome i feel so sick
come down, so down, off your hate

whichever opiate you like comes to mind
whatever demon that you seek you will find
just remember that you take the love you fake
and so it goes when you live like one.

i know what you're after
i feel your suicide


9:22 p.m. - 2002-05-18


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