cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Thanksgiving, Music (Tantric specifically)

Happy Thanksgiving! It's a good day. I'm glad that I've gotten away from the Creeds and the Bizkits and the Stainds. It's funny how everyone on the underground talks shit about them, because they know they're fuckin fake. "Shit, this place is packed. What? You got on a plane to come here? FUCK YEAH! Lets all get on planes, man!"- Joshua Todd of Buckcherry, live. I read up on Tantric Hinduism in my new Religious Encyclopedia. It's pretty fucking cool. I was listening to Tantric last night, and I was thinking how their music has a spiritual sexuality to it. It would go perfect for any two human beings, into sexual Tantrisim. I was thinking about Chrissy and I specifically. I hardly ever think about sex anymore. It was more of a romance thing. I don't know. I'm stupid. I have stupid thoughts. I just like to dream. I'm a dreamer. Well, gonna go. I'm feeling a little down today. I'll be better after I eat though *big smiles*.


4:21 p.m. - 2001-11-22


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