cuke15's Diaryland Diary


My Thanksgiving Thank Yous.

I figured since it's Thanksgiving day, and I need to get some practice in for my Thank Yous when I get big and famous I'd make a list of all that I've been thankful for. I'm also inspired by the American spirit, as played out as that is now, since the September 11th bullshit.

God. In whatever form you are in, to whatever person, thank you just for giving us this chance to make decisions, fall in love, decide what to get in the drive thru line, have a good job, finish (or not finish) high school, going to awesome concerts, meet awesome people, learn new lessons, to hurt, to enjoy, to make music, to grow strong, to be weak. Thank you for giving us these choices as Americans. Thank you for giving all human beings the choice to believe what they want to believe. Thank you for letting people be able to screw up, and feel guilty and be able to make it right, and feel proud.

Shawn. I'm sorry we've grown apart. I'm sorry that we just don't see things eye to eye anymore. I'll always be grateful for what you've taught me, and what you've shown me.

Katie. Same as above.

Heather. Same as above.

Niccole. Same as above.

Mindy. I miss talking to you. I?m grateful for being able to talk to you, and get weak at the knees.

Leona, Michelle, Sheri, Heather Hunter, Dee. Thank you, all 5 of you, for being such great friends. Thank you for showing me how it should be done. Thank you for turning me from a manipulative bastard into someone with the right influences. Thank you for giving me the faith in my dreams of becoming a rockstar.

Billy. We don't talk much anymore, you're always busy. Thanks for the early part of the year, though. Thanks for being my self esteem when I didn't have any. Thank you for supporting me when I was in depression about Chrissy.

Chrissy. Thank you for showing me how beautiful life can be. Thank you for being able to speak to me, even with the depression you so wonderfully cope with most of the time. Thank you for the relationship two years ago, and for the crush I have right now. Thank you for showing me your smiling face, it's a piece of heaven to me, just like your kisses. You've got so much charisma and I can't wait to rock it out with you on big stages, small stages, and other stages all over the fucking country and maybe even globe. Thank you for showing me what a great human being is made out of: the ability to forgive, and the ability to love. You've got a wide open soul when you're talking to me, and I'm thankful that I can see inside and love you so much because of the diversity you have. I want to tame that depressed side, though. I'm going to be really thankful when we get your whole situation figured out, with or without me. If we never go out again, or if we do, we'll be best friends.

The Marvelous 3. Thank you for showing me the best fucking live show ever. Thank you for being so awesome to your fans, thank you for showing us what the fuck rock and roll is all about: having fun. Thank you for being such good friends. Thank you Butch for the autograph.

Buckcherry. Thank you, as well, for putting on such a kick ass live show. Thank you for making the nastiest guitar licks. Thank you for letting me push my fucking anger out the window in some form of real fucking music. Thank you Yogi for the autograph. Thank you Devon for the stick. Thank you JB for the pick, thank you Yogi for the other pick. Thank you Josh for the high 5 at the end of the set.

Econoline Crush. Even though you blew ass live, thank you for the cool CD, it's great to listen to.

Tsar, Injected, Sinomatic, Tantric, Oleander, Led Zeppelin, No Doubt. Thank you all for being there for me to listen to over the past year.

That's what I'm thankful for.

10:03 p.m. - 2001-11-21


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