cuke15's Diaryland Diary



From Heather's Diary:

I don't act "hot and cold," but if someone is treating me like shit, I'm going to give them what they deserve. I admit when I'm wrong, but it seems with Tim, he's always getting mad at me for something stupid. Liking someone besides him. Not wanting to make out. Going out with someone else. Saying something he doesn't like. It's all about him and his emotions, and mine don't matter. He's selfish, and he thinks anybody who does anything for themselves is selfish... Tim tries to control everybody's actions, and if they don't do and say exactly what he wants to see and hear, then they're being selfish. His opinions have to be placed above one's own, or one is classified as selfish. Neither of us is ever truly wrong; I think it's really just Tim's jealousy fits that are always intervening with our friendship. For instance, I'll tell him I'm not going to go out with him. A week later, we'll talk, and I'll say it again--and he quits talking to me because I "haven't changed." Something like that.


Now, it is being hot and cold, in my opinion, when you make out with me one day on upwords and act all flirty, but then the next day blow me off completley. You've got your opinions, I've got mine. That doesn't make me false, just because you don't agree with it. I have valid reasons for calling you hot and cold, which I just noted. I have made it totally clear throughout the past that everything I say is just in my opinion. I don't make you look like an idiot in your guestbook. Slander means when SOMEONE says soemthing FALSE. I haven't said anything FALSE yet. I've said what I FEEL. You being hot and cold is WHAT I FEEL. Based on what I just said. When you give me proof you weren't being hot and cold, then it will be slander. Before that happens, when you show me, I'll be glad to modify and/or delete the entries. That guestbook entry in itself was HOT and COLD. My opinion.

7:51 p.m. - 2001-08-06


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