cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Kate the ignorant Australian bitch

Well Kate and I just got in a fight. Woopdie doo. Not much new there. She says I never say sorry, which is total bullshit. I say sorry when I'm wrong, she just doesn't realize it because.. well.. I don't know because. All of a sudden out of nowhere, she brought up my !.txt and how everyone on chatnet thought it was so stupid. I'm like "ARIGHT SCORE!". She said they don't still talk about it because they know I hit them in a true spot but because it was stupid. I asked her then why does any other conversation on IRC about something stupid only last for about 20 minutes, not four months. No answer of course. I'm going to take a stand and bring up something wrong even if I don't care what they think. I'm not going to let people fall for it in the future, though. That's why I made this file and I'm pasting the contents below:

Relay this to everyone, in order:















hell.. just paste it on a website at this point.

Upon Careful Consideration...

I have chosen to leave IRC for a variety of reasons. As a few of you may have known, I had left earlier this month due to the fact that the majority of people have sold out. This has effected me greatly in that my best friend, my confidant (sp?), has even sold out. She would rather be an op and not quit (to display that she is against the wrong behaviors of leon and philip). As you see, i am DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS about this shit. Understand me? I wouldnt' be mentioning names so I could be put on a packetting trip my whole life and take orders from someone over an Internet Connection. You may ask.. if this person wants to display that she's against leon and philip's behavior.. then why doesn't she just talk to them?... Easy... because how does talking to these people show you're serious? Whats the point of letting wrong be done and not disciplining it? If that were how it was supposed to be, we'd have kids in 11th grade writing on walls because their parents didn't reinforce them while they were growing up.

Then you got people telling me they wont take a stand, even though they know me right because i'm being an asshole. The fact of the matter is.. that's bullshit. Jenna. The fact of hte matter is, the first 10 times i proved to you the whole thing, i did it calmly and under poise, yet you still didnt do anything. You sold out. YOu're a fake, adn you're afraid to tell the truth. You'll make a shitty op. Just another abusive one. Unlike myself, as many believe. You make a better friend, not an op.

Ya'll Called me abusive? well here's abusive you silly cunts. (no offense to the first people in this chain). Ya'll are fuckheads, who only give access due to the amount of bandwith a person has. Geeze, I ban rachel once, when i even got her off permban 2 times in teh past.. yet im offered 100 or i coul dwalk? yet virii bans her 31905903159031905739015 tiems with out reason, and he gets up to 450.. isn't it obvious you silly fakes??? Sure I'm jealous ya'll have ops. Because #teens was my project the whole time i had ops. I spent most of my time working on it, I wasn't the best, and I wasn't the worst. The best got fired, the worst got raises. It shows the moronic power and priorites of some folks. I've got people msgin me all the time asking me to unban them when they've been banned unfairly. Doesn't that seem weird? They come to me? Even when i'm not an op? And when I tell them that i'm not an op, they go on telling me how I was the only one who listened. Of course, that's not true. Quite a few of you guys did listen. But I did listen, and I was one of the most passive ops on the market.

I wish you guys the best. And I hope you realize that selling out and getting possessions (such as ops) and shit, at the price of kicking others while they're down and not standing up for what is true, and just being a plain out pussy about it is pretty sad.

And I know, you guys are going to talk shit and evaluate this and find out shit you don't think is true, but it all is. If you deny it, which you will, coz some of you have sold out... that just shows you're afraid to do whats right. It'll come back to you someday. You'll start thinking and feel guilty about it. I'm leaving IRC, maybe not IRC, maybe Chatnet, but probably IRC. I'm sick of these silly little politics. IRC = FUN... atleast thats what 65% of IRC servers say in the MOTD, to enjoy yourself. Well, why break the networks charter and not enjoy myself?

IRC is bullshit, and osme of you think i'm just going to leave and come back. Well here's your proof i'm not. You silly cunts.

Power on IRC to deficit for being a pussy IRL = gay.

Your (not so [for some of you])friend, and one of the few who have had the balls to bring you the truth.

Tim- TSMason.

Every New Beginning Comes from Some Other Beginnings end.

In conclusion, I would like to state that I'm glad I'm a person who stands up for what's wrong and is a loner instead of a person who doesn't stand up for what's wrong and is trendy. And I'd also like to say "we'll see how long Kate and Cameron last". She can't admit that I was right the first time between them. She thinks just because he came back that he won't leave again and she thinks the things I told her that Rachel said to me are "fucking bullshit" but when I told her why don't we ask Rachel, automatically she rules it out as being pointless. Jee, Someone can't admit they're wrong. I'll be sure to notify you guys too if they break up. I'm venting right now because it hurts that someone can be so ignorant of another person.

6:13 a.m. - 2001-07-30


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