cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Official 200th entry, High School, Katie

Hello world,
How is everyone? Me? Not so hot. Some guy from the high school called and told me I have to sign a withdrawl form, and he's coming over Friday to discuss my career options. Jesus, I can understand about the withdrawl form. I don't need to have to discuss everything with him, though. I could go into the high school, sign the form, and get the hell out. I don't know what the hell I'm going to do. I don't really care.

Next we have Katie. Lordy Lordy, guess she's made her way back to charter, from what I hear. I can't help but think it's my fault from the stuff that happened in 97/98. I don't know if she hates me or not, we haven't talked in a long time. We just stopped talking. I'm sure it's more along the lines of her mom not letting her instead of the lines of her hating me. Oh well. I'm cool with that. Just as long as she doesn't hate me, I'm fine.

Well I finally made this diary public domain again. (I've had this diary since hardly anyone knew about diaryland.) Oh well. I erased 2 repeat entries, so this makes my OFFICIAL 200th entry. I think I'm going to stick to no graphics and just keep to the point of keeping a diary. I'll add graphics in individual entries that actually relate to my life, if needed, like a real diary. In the meantime, I'm gonna go.


PS: Currently Listening to - Stroke 9 "City Life"

8:52 a.m. - 2001-06-19


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