cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Billy, Amanda, Matt Metti, I'm Buff

Well, I called Billy today at 11 AM. He came over with Amanda (!!!). I haven't seen her in forever. We went to the rec center and I got buff. I lifted weights and ran half a mile nonstop (I got dizzy). I'm so Buff.Then I went outside and talked with Amanda.

Next, we went to the gas station with the little Arbys in it. We did nothing there. We went to Billy's grandma's house and dropped Amanda off, then we went in the mom and pops parking lot and talked to Matt Metti. Billy and them have a kickin band goin. I've already mentioned that in my previous entries, though.

Then we went to Billys and Matt and Justin came over and we watched some of the shocked stuff on Still funny, Even after all these years. Next, I came home and talked to Sheri and Leona on the internet. I told them how buff I am *flex*. Well, I better go. Got to finish listening to my silverchair cd then a few Marvelous 3 cds.

Rock on,

6:51 p.m. - 2001-06-18


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