cuke15's Diaryland Diary


My Day, etc

I just got back from the Flea Market & I bought a turtle, whom we now refer to as Bob. He's cool. I'm teaching Bob how to moo. I bought my Led Zeppelin picture which I've been waiting for it to come in for 2 weeks. I put the order out and i've been waiting ever since. I ate at China Wok. That place is good. The meal I had wasn't too great though.

I had the weirdest feeling that Mindy was inside the plaza (by K-mart and Publix), I kept looking out the window for them (Mindy & Heather Holmes). I didn't see them.

Zoe got mad at me earlier because I wouldn't drive her to South Carolina to see her ex-boyfriend who broke up with Zoe. We won't go into that one though. I doubt i'll see Mindy today, but 50-50 chance on seeing her tomorrow, I can't wait to be with her and to hold her in my arms and to tell her I love her.

I can't wait to go to church tomorrow. It'll be fun. I love Sunday school too. I think that is all I have to say for now.

The situation with Chrissy is at a minimal and I think it's done with. Atleast, for what I care. If she talks about me, she will get what she deserves from the higher powers.

I love Mindy and she loves me. We are discovering new forms of trust. It's hard to be in a relationship when both are paranoid of the other leaving. I won't leave her and I'm pretty sure she won't leave me. Things are dandy right now.

Katie's birthday was Thursday, I don't know if I told you that, but she's 16.

Well, Gotta Go




����Tim es la vaca!!!!

(Tim is the cow!!!!)

16:50:38 - 2000-02-05


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