cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Marvelous3, Dad, Hockey

There are about 10 people on diaryland who have Marvelous 3 listed as one of their favorite bands. About 8 of them are girls. How odd. Three Tsar fans, I'm the only guy. How spiffy. It's been a wild week. I'm going to call Jessica and Susan while i'm up here. I haven't heard from them in forever. Right now, I'm listening to Jimmie's Chicken Shack and thinking about life and people.

I think the reason I act the way I do is because my dad never has a positive outlook on anything he doens't know about. He never says anything good unless he knows its good before hand. He always looks for the bad in shit before he looks for the good.

I watched some hockey last night. Colorado and New Jersey both moved on. That means that Colorado will face Saint Louis, and New Jersey will face either Buffalo or Pittsburg. Whoever wins tonight (Buffalo, hopefully).

I think I'm going to have to start finding new bands. Marvelous 3 is about to release Grant Park on video. That's not bad, don't get me wrong. I'll always be a Marv3 fan. I just need something that I can have just for myself, with limited amount of people knowing about it.

It pissed me off when these assholes who were standing next to me at Music Midtown were all like "Yeah, they're songs suck.. I hear 'em on the radio" but when they saw them live they were telling their friends who came up after they said that shit that they've known they were awesome all along.

It's all gay really. I had fun.


12:29 p.m. - 2001-05-10


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