cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Church Camp, Dairy Queen, Dad

Well I'm back from camp. It was a tiring place. (7:00 AM-11:45 PM, all 3 days). It was a fithy place. It was a stressful place. But It was a very educational place. We did scenarios on what would happen if Jesus Christ came back in 1 hour, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, and 10 years. On all of them, I said that I would pray alot, and I would try to get all my friends saved so they wouldn't have to go through the tribulations (read Revelation in your Bible). I tried talking to Mindy about it yesterday, but I was really pissed off that she told me she liked me alot but she wouldnt leave Josh for me, but now she's doing it for Woody. Katie says I should just leave her alone, but I have her more along on the lines of a "probation" period. I can't lose her, but I'm not putting up with the bullshit. I went to Dairy Queent his morning and got hired. I got a uniform and everything. Isn't that spiffy? I've been listening to alot of Metallica and A Perfect Circle lately, and I have decided the 3 best songs of all time are:

"Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin

"One" by Metallica

"46 & 2" by Tool

I have a headache now, but i'll live. I'm pissed at my dad, he never listens to my side of the story, and he admits it.. he says "he doesn't need to". That really upsets me. I mean... fuck... i'm a human too. Oh well, I gotta go.


19:42:59 - 2000-06-14


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