cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Ashley, School, etc

Today is the second day in a row I stayed home from school. I guess i'll live. I guess I am afraid to go to school because I don't know what Ashley will think. I mean, she seems so depressed lately. I guess I am afraid of ruining the relationship. I want to be with her, but if I can't make her happy, she needs better. So I guess I'm going to try and avoid her until things seem to get better and she seems happier. I don't know if that's the best thing I can do, but oh well. If you have any suggestions, send them here. I could use some help. I don't know. I've been listening to some girl-singer music lately. As you will see at the end of this entry, where I now put the daily music I listen to. Anyways, I don't know what I am going to do anymore. I am so bored. Mom is going to be pissed when she sees that I stayed home from school again. Oh well, I guess I'll live. I now have an Imood indicator at the top of all my entries, telling you my current mood. I think that's kinda nifty. Well I'll let ya go.



Today, I've listened to:
No Doubt's "Return of Saturn"
Joydrop's "Metasexual"

Gotta go.. Sorry so short

10:26:10 - 2000-05-02


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