cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Fishing, Ashley

Yesterday, I went fishing with Billy's family. That was fun. I caught a fish. Go me. Yea! Anyways, today I went to church. It was fun. Ashley said she was crying yesterday but she never will tell me why. I don't understand this. I don't know if i concerns me or not. Oh well, I guess i'll just have to live. I want everything to be alright between her and I. I want her to be happy more than anything. Is that so hard to understand? I know it's hard to be happy, i'm an expert on being not happy. But I know that you can be happy. I just want to save Ashley from whatever is going wrong right now and make her more comfortable. I feel kinda honored that she cried on the phone with me today. I atleast know that she trusts me. I still wish she would tell me what was wrong though.

Music Today:
No Doubt- Return of Saturn
Marilyn Manson- Last Tour on Earth

It's Amanda's birthday today, also.

17:53:17 - 2000-04-30


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