cuke15's Diaryland Diary



I was writing an entry today before work about things but FireFox crashed on me. I think it's the first time since I've been using firefox that it's crashed on me. Anyways, I went into work today and I asked around about a 6-12 shift and it turns out I'm replacing the guy who taught me everything I know about the store to begin with. I'll be the guy who does the store recieving. I had asked someone about it before I left today and they said I'm the only real candidate for it or else they'd have to hire outside the store. They want me because I know where everything in the store is now anyways so it'll be easy for me to break the truck down into pallets and carts. I really don't have much else to say. I was thinking about going away to Jacksonville this weekend and seeing if Laura wants to stay home. I think she wants a break from me, so who am I to deny her that. I don't know. I should go!


6:04 a.m. - 2004-07-13


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