cuke15's Diaryland Diary


St. Marys

OK, finally.. the St. Marys entry. It was good to see St. Marys again. We had stayed the night in Savannah the night before because I was getting tired behind the wheel, and Laura was already tired. I knew I couldn't make it. It turned out to be a good thing, though, because we could just go straight to St. Marys then because by the time we got there it'd be the daytime. So we came around exit 16, Laurel Island Pkwy, and I showed Laura my old high school. After that we went up to Wal-Mart and met up with Jeremy. Just on the drive there you could see all the stores they had built. After that we went down to Goodwill to see Shawn, but he was working so there's not much to say. Then we went to Sam Goodys to see Chrissy, but she wasn't working. So we all left and went down to see my mom's friend Susan. It required driving down Point Peter and New Point Peter, they didn't change a bit since I had left, so that's kind of comforting. Susan seemed to be doing really well. After that we had left to go to see Billy's dad up the road. It was a pretty good visit, it turns out Billy was in town too. (He's been in England for the Air Force). It was as if I had never left. Of course I had shown everyone McKenzie pictures and introduced them to Laura. They were kind of surprised they hadnt heard about it earlier. I felt bad about that. Atleast I finally did tell them, though. It was good. Billy's dad really liked Laura a lot. He didn't say that or anything, but I could tell. The whole time we were there I just wanted to go and work on something. I did a lot of work there and I wanted to do something when I was there. I know that sounds weird. Afterwards we went to Sam Goody again to see if Chrissy had came into work, and she hadn't. So we just bought the Bad Santa DVD (best movie ever still). We had left out the backway behind the Wal-Mart and went up to the cemetary. I don't think anything there really impressed Laura much. She kept worrying about McKenzie because of all the baby graves there from kids who died within a few months of their birth. I guess it worries me too, but I try to block things out for some reason. I don't like to think of McKenzie dying, I like to think of her living. I guess I shouldn't blind myself, though. After that we went to the waterfront. It was nice, it was a nice day to go to the waterfront. It smelled like the ocean and it was a really clear day. We watched the little crabs up by the pavillion and up by the park. We threw pennies into the fountain. Basically my whole day was taking in the scene. St. Marys has changed a lot, but deep down it's the exact same thing I left and the exact same thing I'll return to someday, even if it's retiring there with Laura. Oh well, it's not a big thing. It was just good to see home. After that we went to Jacksonville and I spent some time with my mother and her husband. I actually had equal amounts of fun there. I guess I can call being there home as well.


9:32 a.m. - 2004-06-29


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