cuke15's Diaryland Diary


One Friend

I went into work today. The Kroger president was comin in today and I was asked if I'd like to be there. So I was asked if I'd like to work 5-9. I accepted. I went in there at 5. There was absoultely nothing for me to do. Everything was already stocked. I had like no backstock. Milk was almost empty, but there was no backstock so there wasn't anything I could do. After an hour of doing tiny jobs, I told Ms. Nystrom that there wasn't much I was doing, and I asked her if I could go home. She asked me how the milk was, and I told her it was as full as it was gonna get, so she let me leave. I think that's all I was supposed to be there for anyways. So I came home, wanting to spend time with my wife. We got in an argument this afternoon. So I got home, and she wasn't home. We talked a bit when she got home. Things are alright. It was just one of those little edgy moments. I don't know. It's hard to explain. It wasn't anything big. But anyways, she's napping now... and I'm bored trying to think of something to do. I don't really know. I guess maybe I need some other real life friends to hang out with. It's hard to have just one friend. Oh well, atleast the one I have is the best one I'll ever have and the only one I'll ever really need deep down inside.


8:44 p.m. - 2004-04-15


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