cuke15's Diaryland Diary


my night

So today was a good day.

We went to the mall today, which was pretty fun. FYE had a lifesize cut out of George Bush for $25. I wanted it so bad. It'd be awesome just to ask George's opinion on everything. It was scary at first, coz Laura did her typical "OH LOOK." and I'm like "huh?" and I turn around and I'm like "WHAT THE F...?!?" It scared the hell out of me. I thought he was actually there for a second. Anyways, afterwards we went home and watched a little TV before we decided to leave for our engagement at David and Victoria's. It was really fun, like every time we go over there. First we had Fondou (sp?). It was nice. I tried Broccoli and actually liked it. Maybe it was just the method it was cooked, I don't know. I have to admit it was a fun dinner and was fun to talk about. Afterwards we played a few games, Apples and Apples I think was the first one. That one was awesome. It made us laugh. Next we played Fluxx, and then Uno. It was a fun night. I definetely enjoyed myself, and I know Laura did too. Going over to their place is the equivelent of Disneyland to Laura and I. After we came home, it was after midnight, making it February 29th. Woohoo. I hopped on the computer and checked my email. I got an email from a friend I haven't heard from in 4 years. It really just makes me happy that she's ok. I tried emailing her back, but my browser went crazy :(. I don't know if the email sent or not. It was good to hear from her because I thought about her and thought if she was OK, and now that I know she is I don't have to worry much anymore. I guess it's always good to hear from someone you haven't heard from in awhile. Oh well. So yeah, that made my night so much better.. as if it couldn't have gotten better to begin with. So yeah, I'm happy. Laur's happy. It's set to be a peaceful sleep next to my beautiful wife and a beautiful day tomorrow of just being in love.


12:43 a.m. - 2004-02-29


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