cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Denying reality...

So I'm reading this book called "The Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn" by Diane Ravitch. It's amazingly interesting. It's about how testmakers and textbook writers aren't allowed to write about certain things and aren't allowed to depict certain groups in certain situations. I just got done reading about how Asian Americans aren't allowed to be shown in a neighborhood with mostly Asian Americans, how African Americans can't be shown in the urban centers and how Caucasian Americans can't be shown in the suburbs, it must be shown as the opposite or it's stereotyping. So, in this book... there's a lot of sarcasm and I'm absolutely loving it. I had to interrupt my reading to put a quote in here from the section I just read (about the living areas), the last sentance of that paragraph was "Denying reality is a common feature of writing against stereotype." Ah, it's so interesting. There's tiny hits of sarcasm all throughout the book. We all know how much I love my sarcasm


1:28 p.m. - 2003-10-09


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