cuke15's Diaryland Diary


The \"14000 things to be happy about\" Game - Day 7

The "14000 things to be happy about" Game - Day 7 of 2800 (Items 31-35)

Need to learn how to play?

31. the eastern seaboard- Does that include just the northeast, or does that also include all the way to Key West? I happen to enjoy the eastern seaboard, if it includes everything. Otherwise, I'm just not educated enough

32. declawing the canary- Now I might enjoy a declawed canary more than one with claws if I were to be handling it, but the actually process of declawing the canary would make me more scared than happy. Birds can bite.

33. medallions b�arnaise- I had to look this up only to find out that it was some type of food, that's all I know.

34. old-time radio shows- Not my style

35. red-carpet treatment- It's about time someone gave me the treatment I deserved! Haha, just kidding. No, but seriously, this is always nice especially if you feel you've done something to deserve being treated like a human being for once. So yeah, it makes me happy.

See you tomorrow,

10:56 p.m. - 2003-09-25


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