cuke15's Diaryland Diary


The \"14000 things to be happy about\" Game - Day 6

The "14000 things to be happy about" Game - Day 6 of 2800 (Items 26-30)

Need to learn how to play?

26. pachyderms- Had to look this one up. Elephants are really cool. When we went to the zoo a few days ago we got really close to one. They seem like really gentle creatures, but I'd still be afraid to jump in there with one. They were really dirty too, they were throwing mud all over themselves. I want to see a rhino or a hippo too. We had seen a rhino, but we weren't that close. That's all I have to say about pachyderms

27. Staffordshire calico dinnerware- Had to look up a picture of this. Looks really nice, but I like plainer stuff better for some reason. I don't know, I just like stuff that has a homier feel. It makes my meals better for some reason.

28. braiding gimp at camp- I never went to camp, except church camp once. We didn't braid gimp, either. I don't even know what braiding gimp is. Is that when you braid a retarded person's hair? Who knows. I don't know. I'm too lazy to look it up. It sounds fun, though.

29. picnic-cooler colors- Yeah, those are cool. Those neon colors. Like that dark blue or pink or light red or orange. Those are all cool, usually with the white lid.

30. a rich spiced chocolate drink- Great when you're in the mood. The spices are something you have to get used to and have to be in the mood for. It's really hearty though and you just feel a little bit better after having something like that, expecially a warm hot chocolate with a little bit of spice in it. Mmm... I'm making myself lust for that now, so I'll shut up.

See you tomorrow,

11:29 p.m. - 2003-09-24


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