cuke15's Diaryland Diary


The \"14000 things to be happy about\" Game - Day 3

The "14000 things to be happy about" Game - Day 3 of 2800 (Items 11-15)

Need to learn how to play?

11. a small music box that plays The Blue Danube and a tune from La Traviata- Had to download this one to see what it was, luckily I remeber it. It sounds really pretty. I bet it'd make a really good music box tune. Music boxes always depress me, though, coz they always just die at the end.

12. moderation- moderation is one of the best things in the world. It's a hard thing to learn, though. Once you get it you realize how happy it can make you. You learn a little bit of self control in all of it. It really can make you happy, though.

13. starting to make things happen- This always makes me happy, because it's always so hard to even get started, but once you do you feel a lot of self worth and it makes you feel like you can actually do something right. I guess that's a good feeling that could lead to happiness.

14. a baby's first tooth- Aww.. I bet this one is going to make me really happy. It's going to be such a good thing to see. I'm going to be happy that whole day. Unfortunatly, teething follows. Blah. Oh well, it should still be a pretty exciting event. I'll tell yall how it feels when it actually happens

15. teakettles- I've never even really been around a teakettle, to be honest. But that little whistling they do is really cool. It's a thing of science, and only a nerd like me could really appreciate it. To anyoen else, it'd probably just be really really annoying.

See you tomorrow,

PS: If you want to do it and want me to link to you, make sure you AIM me a link or email me a link or something. Any form of contact is accepted.

11:00 p.m. - 2003-09-21


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