cuke15's Diaryland Diary


doctors visit, library

Hey everyone.

I'm at the library right now. The doctor's appointment went great. Everything seems normal so far, even though they didn't do much. Anyways, Laura got her vitamins. It was basically just an educational visit where they told us what to expect and all that. They want us to consult some psychologist at Emory. He's supposedly really famous and is one of the best in his fields. We're worried about the money in all that, but the lady said she think he'd take us and he'd help us with the financial situation if he can. Anyways, I'm looking for a book. I don't know which one yet. I found the "What to Expect when You're expecting" book the doctor told us we should check out. It was tough to find, because it was on one of those "to-be-reshelved" type carts they have at the end of the aisles sometimes. We found it, though. We also found "Pregnancy for Dummies." I don't know why we like the "for dummies" books. They're usually pretty basic and have information that all the other books also have. I guess it's just that the format is so SIMILAR and such. The lady we had seen today wasn't really a doctor, but a nurses aid or something. She was still really helpful. I actually even had a little bit of fun while I was there. It was nice of Victoria, Laura's brother's girlfriend to help us out with money today while Laura's in transition to her new job. We might be heading down to Midtown today for something, so I'll update ya'll on that later. I need to find a book that will teach me something, yet keep me interesting. I don't know what yet. I guess I could look at atronomy books, I usually like that kind of stuff. Maybe biology. Maybe math. Who knows. I like those subjects that kids usually hate. It's weird. I've been thinking about computers lately too, though. Oh well, I better go. Laura's here now. She says hi, even though she didn't say that. That was an oxymoron. She said to say "The baby says hi too". Oh yeah, next time we visit we'll be able to hear the heartbeat. If we bring a recorder, maybe I'll get to put it up on here for ya'll to hear. :D


12:27 p.m. - 2003-09-15


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