cuke15's Diaryland Diary


past 26 hoursish

Yo friends,

How is everyone? Good, I hope. I'm not so bad myself. Last night I was talkin on AIM and I got an IM from Julie. I wasn't gonna mention her in this and all that, but it's all good. I don't know.. as long as things stay just as friends. I guess that's what I was hurt most with. I was hurt coz she didn't even want to be my friend. After most relationships I deserve that, but this is the one time I really didn't. I'm not holding a grudge, though. I know we all have things we do that we don't understand and all that. I have my own faults too. It's really no big deal. I don't know. I still don't trust it all right now, but I have nothing to lose. I called her later. I didn't tell Laura, coz I didn't want her to worry. I love you Laura, and I didn't tell ya coz I didn't want you to worry or get jealous or anything. I just don't want to have to forfeit tryin to make Jules and I work out as friends. I guess that's what I should have just told you. I'm just trying not to worry you. But yeah, anyways. Laur and I are doing great. We went over to David's (her brother) apartment today. We had dinner with him and his girlfriend, Victoria. I was kinda nervous at first, coz I'm not good with spending time with new people. I must say, though, that I had an incredibly fun time and I wasn't that nervous at all. The only times being nervous were just getting there and leaving. I don't know why those were nervous for me, but everything in between was great. I enjoyed everything. I don't know. I needed it. I can't speak for Laura, but I'm sure she needed it as well. We had roasted chicken and it was really good. After we ate we had played a cool Italian/German game called Mama Mia. It was really fun. I don't know. I enjoyed myself a lot. It was a fun time. The three of them together made me laugh a lot. Laura makes me laugh a lot every day, David and Victoria just augmented on it. I don't know. I honestly have nothing bad to say for once. Everythings good in life.


12:07 a.m. - 2003-09-11


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