cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Gin Blossoms, Monopoly


Guess who I'm listening to? The Gin Blossoms, duh. Wee. Still thinkin bout not livin without it. Outside lookin' in. Still talkin about not stepping around it. Wee Hehehe. It's such a good day already & it's only 9:30 AM. I beat Laura at Monopoly yesterday, but she beat me in a close Uno game (520 - 494). We bought both games a few days ago. She landed on my hoteled Boardwalk but was able to pay it, but the next time around she was toast. She had like $1900 after all mortgages, just shy of the $2000 she needed. All she had was hotels on Baltic and Mediterranean to my hotels on Park Place and Boardwalk. Everything else was split up. I had both utilities. We both had 2 railroads a piece. Hehe. It was a good game. I like playing without the free parking money, though. I like playing the classic way. Oh well. I wanna write some happy stuff but I'm afraid that people will start to think I'm just acting happy to piss them off. Hehe. I'm sure this entry was happy enough as it was.

Til I Hear It From You,


9:31 a.m. - 2003-07-22


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