cuke15's Diaryland Diary


E-mail to Jaime

and just the mere fact that you dont even listen to what i have to say on AIM shows you dont respect me.

I know I am differnet from you, I know that you think I'm "unique." but you need to understand that I am no less than you are, and if you were HONESTLY my freind, you wouldn't just try and tell me that "i need to be positive" when i think my one and only friend up here has ditched me , after not hearing her for 5 days.. no you could atleast try and be understanding of my situation. It was a very hateful thing you just did and it shows your disregard of your concern about me.

Listen; I don't know what's wrong with you, but I've never met anyone who acts the way you do.

Sure, you say nice things, but you could blow me off for days on end and not even care. I'm not even expecting you to talk to me all the fucking time, or not even every day. But when you TELL me you'll call "tomorrow" and I don't hear from you for four days after "tomorrow", then I see there's a problem.

I mean, if you HONESTLY wnat to be a friend, don't try to tell me how I need to be. .Try and understand me, and then give advice. and don't expect me to change in just a fucking instant. When you have the time to listen to my life story, I'd like to fucking tell it to you. Then maybe you'd understand. All I ask for i syour respect, your patience, and your understanding. I've given that much to you.

YOu can accept me and my problem right nwo with how I feel about life, and you can try and understand it and learn more about it and THEN you can try and help me. But right now, telling me you're going to GIVE UP because my emotions aren't suitable to you.

Well that must be the fucking epitome of the word "friend", atleast to you.

I told you if you didn't like me for any reason, you should tlel me, not blow me off.

Just like you just blowed me off on AOL... you don't have any respect for me and that's pretty sad considering I'm actuallyt rying to make my life better.

But I guess my best isn't good enough for Jaime.



I may not be like all your other friends... and I may not be as social as them, but I am damn well just as important as them and I damn well deserve just as much respect.

If you're just going to bitch, don't bother e-mailing me back. If you listened to this e-mail and if you can understand where I'm coming from writing this.. Keep in touch. I don't need anymore fucking hatred on my hands.

The End.


2:10 a.m. - 2003-04-21


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