cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Rachel, school memories

Hey homies.

How's it going? I'm doin good. Haha. Check out this from Rachel's journal: "heh. and you guys, my new screen name is ex0eatspaste. so talk to me. please. heh. anyways fuck off" Haha. I love that. Rachel you rock my socks. I don't think you read my diary, though, but if you do know that you rock my socks!

How come the one day Jer decides he wants to go grocery shopping, I'm incredibly in a "I'm gonna sleep for 8 hours, finally" mood. So I just told him to pick me up some microwaveable mac & cheese meals and I'll wing it. He and I are getting along better now after I bitched about him to my parents. He really hurt my feelings, and I think he knows that now. But yeah, I got tickets to the rodeo tonight, but I don't think I'm gonna go. Jer gave them to me. Could be fun(ny). Dunno. I would go by myself if it wasn't all the way on the southwest side of town. (I'm all the way in north central.. the very tip of the city/county in north central).

Afae1: i was on student council in 6th grade
Afae1: we never voted on anything.. we just picked up trash in the school
Afae1: i was like "ok, fuck this"
KelC212: lol

Aww. Rememberances of Saint Marys Middle. I have enough rememberances of 8th grade to fill up this diary all over again. I got in trouble like every day. Haha. I bet Mr. Coffee (remember him?!) had my dad's phone number on speed dial. All that ISS time helped out my grades, too. I was too bored to do anything else except my school work.

Speaking of school work, I was lying down in bed thinkin today. It's really depressing to think that you messed your shot at school up. I mean, I'm sure there are ways to get a High School equivelant, but to me I feel like I've done something irreversable. I feel horribly guilty about it. I could have done so much better. Atleast, I think I could have. I had a lot of problems, physical and emotional, about getting up and going to school every day. That must have been my problem: motivation. I don't know. I needed motivation for just attending school. I also needed more motivation for getting good grades. I guess I'm just too difficult. Atleast with a job you get your pay as motivation.


5:20 p.m. - 2003-04-18


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