cuke15's Diaryland Diary


my night.


So I went to Buffalo's with Jaime and her friends today. It was totally neato. I was shy, but her friends are all really cool to be with.

It was weird for me, though. For some reason I had to keep my hands busy. From everything from looking at everyones rings to going through my wallet, to playing with my ring, to writing (which I mostly did).

It's kinda funny. Jaime (1,2,3) sounds EXACTLY like Katie. I told her that too. She asked if that was good or bad and I said "kinda a little of both."

OH. AND FOR YOU WHO KEEP ASKING ME WHO MR. JONES IS. YOU OUGHTA BE SLAPPED. LISTEN TO SOME COUNTING CROWS, damnit. Tonight we did really well at trivia. Within the top 10 out of 20 something teams. We started off really rough and was in last place after the half way point, but at the end of the night we had regained so much lost space. It's kinda opposite of how Jaime told me it usually is. She told me they usually get a great start and end up messing up in the second half.

Well. Gonna go.

God Bless You guys.

11:36 p.m. - 2003-04-15


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