cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Rachel, Jaime, food, old friends

So I was reading an old friends diary today. It's really sad in my mind. Entries from recently are completely hypocritical of entries only a few days earlier, and they're almost oblivious to that fact. I wouldn't dare bring it up. No one wants to hear about their faults. Usually I don't judge people, but they've judged me a lot before, and besides I don't like them making an idiot out of themselves. I'm not even really pissed off. Maybe bitter. Oh well, that's my sin. I just won't be reading the diary anymore. I am the person who thinks if you don't like it don't read it, but when it kinda sneaks up on you, you have to read something that makes you not want to read it to stop reading it. So I guess I have to complain just once, I suppose. I guess that's the danger you have when you leave a diary open to the public.

So I filled out a survey last night and guess what! Only Jaime gets to see it. I'm dying for buffalo wings or pizza or something. Maybe both. I've got to be careful with my money, though. I only have $140 to last until so long. $120 now, I realized Jeremy gave me $20 too much.

Anyways, I think Jaime has a new crush. *nudge nudge*. Huh, Jaime? You have a crush on that guy who showed up by surprise last night, don't ya? Yeah yeah. I can tell.

Yay. Rachel came online. I haven't talked to her in awhile. Hehe. We're talking about music and sesame street and politics and the usual all over again. I'll tell ya'll how that goes.

OH YEAH! Jaime likes to talk about Sesame Street too. Rock on, G.


2:55 p.m. - 2003-04-13


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