cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Hockey game, We won!, Julie and my weekend.

Howdy. I'm home ya'll

Today was awesome man! We woke up and we went to church, and Julie's dad did some preachin' that really made me think. It was good to be there. Afterwards we went to McDonalds and got some food before we left for the game. (BTW, Julie, I forgot to say thanks for that :D). So after that we went to the MARTA station and payed our $3.00 for our two tokens so we could ride MARTA to the Philips Arena Stop Roundway. So me, Julie, and my dad (whom we met at the MARTA station) went to Philips Arena.. the MARTA station is connected to the arena. It's really cool. So we walked in and up like three escalators. Nosebleed. Well, yeah.. so we waited until the game started. Let me tell you, the experience was different than I thought it would have been, but still it was so amazing. It gave me chills when the players came out for warm-ups. Anyways, yeah, We won 6-2. I thought we would have lost for sure. But either way, they were giving out prizes all day to people and like, for the first 6 drawings they were choosing only people in the 100, 200, and 300 sections. I was like "yeah, that's not fair... we're the poor ones, we're in the 400 section, we actually need this stuff." Well come the 7th drawing... up on the board, in the middle of the 3rd period we see "Section 412, Row F, Seat 13" and I was like "We won!!!!!!" Yay. Heheh. I was more in shock. I've never won anything in my life. It was really cool. There were 18,033 people there, so it was really cool for me to have won something. I was the only one in the 400 section, except one other person, who won something. So yeah, like I had bought the tickets, dad was holding the 13 ticket originally, and Julie sat in seat 13. So it's almost like that seat was special for some reason. Plus it was an aisle seat. So anyways, I went to go pick up my prizes and met this guy on the Hawks (Atlanta's pro basketball team), and I had won a Coca-Cola igloo, a traveler backpack which turns into a chair, and it had inside it a whole set of silverwear. I basically got more than what I payed for the three tickets combined. I was so happy. Today has just been a good day, and I want to go see more hockey games.. coz even if I wouldn't have won anything, I had an amazing time there today. It was so good being with Julie the whole time. My dad too, actually. Julie and I had a good weekend. We went to Borders a couple of times, a coffee house, to the mall, to the carnival (smelt like cabbage :D), waffle house and other stuff. We met interesting people. It was nice.


PS: There was a hattrick today too! Really cool to see!

7:14 p.m. - 2003-04-06


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