cuke15's Diaryland Diary


my day


I'm at Julie's. Today has been fun. We did lots of fun stuff today. We even went to mass. Catholicism seems fun every once in a while, but I couldn't do it always. I was actually pretty scared being there, everything is pretty much by a book, and you don't feel like you're part of it because there is a certain order of things and actions and prayers that the people say with no warning. I had fun, though. It brought peace to my soul. So yeah. We went to a coffee house too. I'm running low on cash right now. I got like $22, and Julie is supposed to give me $4. I really need a job and I'd love to get one, I just don't know how from where my brother works. It's had me worried, especially today. Oh well. I'm not in the mood to finish this entry. Goin' to church than the hockey game tomorrow.


PS: Julie, when you read this. Thanks for the good time today :D. Heheh.. I'm gonna get off your computer so you can check your e-mail. Later babe!

PPS: I left a lot of stuff out about my day.. i'll write it in later.

11:04 p.m. - 2003-04-05


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