cuke15's Diaryland Diary


witness to another car accident, like Jer's job

Man, Jeremy's job is fun. I want a job like that. You don't have a boss, you get to drive around, you get to meet new people, and you get free snacks and drinks. All you have to do is fill snack, coffee, and soda machines. IT's really fun. I actually enjoyed filling all the soda machines today. It was cool being able to go in jail without actually being IN jail, ya know? I felt like such a prisoner, but I was working, so it was kind of a cool feeling instead of an ashamed one. I bet that didn't make sense to anyone else but me. Oh well. Hahah.. I was witness to another car accident today. It was funny. This dude was taking a wide turn into a parking space.. the only one left.. and he skid against the side of the car in the next spot, because he had to take the turn really sharp. It was so funny.. and that's not even the best part! When he got out of the car, to check what damage he did, he opened his door and slammed into THE OTHER CAR on his side. HAHAHAHA. It was so funny.. He got back in his car and drove off, though. It wasn't anything violent, he just kinda bumped up against the other car. Once he had surveyed his damage he got out of there. Oh well. That's basically my day.


1:21 p.m. - 2003-03-25


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