cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Splender, rain

Well hello.

Guess what. It's raining out. A nice steady hard rain. I love it like that. It's so beautiful. It's one of the most beautiful things God does. Weather like this is quite amazing. It's just so pretty and peaceful. This may sound cheezy, but it's one of the few times I actually enjoy being alone. I guess I just feel God's presence more when it rains like this. Oh well, it may be cheezy but it's true.

I'm planning on being online til about 1 and up til about 6. So if you guys want to call me or stop by, that's the info you need. My MSN is down while I'm downloading stuff. So it's currently not up, and I don't plan on it being up anytime tonight. So you can contact me on yahoo, cuke15 is my username.

I listened to a bit of Splender earlier. Really awesome band. You can feel them. It's really cool when you can feel a band's emotions. There's something real about that.

Oh well, more later. I'm thinking about starting a new diary and only giving one or two of you the address (Julie, Shawn).


6:59 p.m. - 2003-02-09


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