cuke15's Diaryland Diary


ABC's of Tim

Stole this survey from Julie's old diary.

*A - Age: 19
*B - Best Quality: I love to give advice
*C - Choice of Meat: shrimp.
*D - Dream Date: skating rink... fun place to talk, to eat, or to excercise all in one.
*E - Exciting Adventure: sleep
*F - Favorite Food: beef fried wontons.
*G - Greatest Accomplishment: survival, plus keeping a diary for 3+ years
*H - Happiest Day of your life: talking on the phone for 6 hours with julie. From Cheers to Sesame Street.
*I - Interests: music, reading, life, God.
*J - Joke: There was a camel and a donkey in the desert... oh wait.. this one doesn't work on the internet. nevermind.
*K - Kool-Aid: if I have to choose: grape. I'm not much of a Kool-Aid fan.
*L - Love: Julie, Staylee, Shawn, Mom, Dad, Jeremy, Chalupa, Buddy
*M - Most Valued thing you own: this diary and a beat up soul
*N - Name: Timothy Scott mason
*O - Outfit you love: any pair of boxers
*P - Pizza toppings: pepperoni
*Q - Question Asked to you the most: what's up?
*R - Radio Station: 99x of Atlanta... even if they are starting to suck. Atleast they're not as bad as 93.3.. z93 is my next.
*S - Sport: hockey
*T - Television Show: Cheers or Sesame Street
*U - Ur favorite song: currently "Cut You In" by Jerry Cantrell
*V - Version of Windows: I'm in linux bitch. No, just kidding. I usually am, but I'm in WinME right now.
*W - Winter: my second favorite season after fall.
*X - Xylophone: played one in music at Crooked River Elementary School
*Y - Year born: 1983
*Z - Zodiac Sign: Virgo

12:39 a.m. - 2003-02-07


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