cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Sid Vicious/Julie Green connection

You know what I just realized?

Sid Vicious died on February 2nd, 1979. The same day Julie Green was born. It's too bad I don't believe in reincarnation, or that would be completely fucked up.


Famous Events:

Original David Lettermen Show debuted (late 50�s), Baseball�s National League established (1876), New Amsterdam renamed New York (1665), Bottle Cap patented, 1st Cub Scout Pack formed (1914), Court Jester premiered, 1st Public Lavatory (Men�s) opened in London (1852, Cardiff Giant revelead as a hoax (1870), Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo signed (1848), 1st Close, upina movie shown (a sneeze; 1893), Frozen Food invented, Sid Vicious died of heroin overdose (1979), Last Russian troops left Afghanistan (1989), 1st Lie Detector Test given (1935), Women given the vote in Lichtenstein (1986), Abie the Agent comic strip began (1914), Elizabeth Taylor married Mike Todd (1957), Coffey�s girlfriend was raped (on Hill Street Blue, Blue Cat Brew Pub founded (Illinois; 1994), Alexander Selkirk rescued from desert island after 4 years (1709; he was the inspiration for DeFoe's Robinson Crusoe)

4:42 p.m. - 2003-02-02


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