cuke15's Diaryland Diary


more of the I love you game.

I got bored with the superbowl. Funny Fedex commercial around the beginning of it, though. Oh well.. more of the "I love you" game.

  1. I love you because your voice brings me peace of mind.
  2. I love you because when we meet snot's going to come out of your nose and you're gonna cry so bad.
  3. I love you because for some strange reason, when you say "it makes my heart hurt" I feel your heart hurting.
  4. I love you because you like to read.
  5. I love you because you play a Gibson and not a Fender.
  6. I love you because "Stranglehold" by Ted Nugent turns you on.
  7. I love you because you're not afraid to talk about fantasies.
  8. I love you because you had a dream about you, me, and Robert Plant.
  9. I love you because you write "I am" as "Iam"
  10. I love you because you don't understand Scott Weiland's lyrics either.
More later still...

7:21 p.m. - 2003-01-26


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