cuke15's Diaryland Diary


I love you game #3

Tampa Bay won. Oakland gave it a good run at the end, though. Oh well. Brb.. gotta go to the bathroom.. after that we can play the "I love you" game a little more... Ok. I am back.

  1. I love you because you love me.
  2. I love you because you understand why I would just want to chill and stay in bed for the rest of my life.
  3. I love you because you're the last thing I think of before I go to bed at night.
  4. I love you because you're from St. Marys.
  5. I love you because you're the only other one who really understands St. Marys like I do.
  6. I love you because I wouldn't be a Pearl Jam fan without you.
  7. I love you because you give me a reason to still play guitar: because I want to make beautiful music with you.
  8. I love you because your guenia pig hits the bottle a little too much.
  9. I love you because you ease my fear about the outcome of this world away.
  10. I love you because you give a shit.
  11. I love you because you help me clean my tubes.
  12. I love you because you help me think a new way.
  13. I love you because you are like my little life-long project that I would love to work on.
More later.. of course. Oh well. I should have entry #1000 sometime tomorrow or the day after. Keep your eyes peeled, dawgs.


10:46 p.m. - 2003-01-26


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