cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Dear Staylee,

My dearest Staylee Lane:

I wanted to write this to you because I wanted you to know my first feelings for you. I am your daddy. My name is Timothy Scott Mason. At the time, I am 19 years old. Your mommy is Julie Marie Green. She is 23 years old, almost 24. My dearest Staylee, you aren't born yet. In fact, you aren't even concieved yet; but we still already love you so much with all our hearts. You're our first girl. You're all we ever wanted, so very badly. It almost seems that even though you're not concieved, your life is an amazing one that is already turning out to be so special. I don't know if we're going to name you Staylee Lane or Staylee Layne. You were named after a very passionate and amazing man named Layne Staley. He was the singer for a band called Alice in Chains, and he sang his heart out. Julie and I both love his voice so much. Speaking of music, we think you will have an amazing love for music. You're going to be such an amazing person. Your parents aren't the most perfect people in the world, and we don't claim to be. We do want to be the best thing for you, though, and we do want to raise you in a way that will allow you to be your own person. Staylee, please just know that your mother and I will always love you so much. Nothing can change that. For now, I'm going to go, my dearest Staylee. Don't expect this to be the last letter to you, though.

I love you so much,

1:02 p.m. - 2003-01-24


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