cuke15's Diaryland Diary


worried about Brittney, more about DVD

This entry Brittney just wrote has me worried. She has WAY too much of a work load on her. Two jobs, college, and high school all at the same time. That's kinda hard to do. I asked her a couple days ago what she was working for. I don't remember her answer, so I'm going to have to ask again. She's a smart girl, that's for certain, I just don't want her to end up getting killed, and I don't want her to lose focus on what life is all about.

Anyways, I was listening to the guitarist from the Gin Blossoms (the one who didn't kill himself) commentate on the videos. He was like "I was the anti-grunge of the early 90s, I didn't wear flannel." But if you think about it, they were sorta grunge. Maybe not musically, but they were about being real and doing your own thing and taking control. That's sorta what the grunge movement was all about. Maybe they weren't completely grunge in fashion, and barely, if at all, grunge in music... but they still managed to be grunge. In my opinion, atleast. He also commented about playing Gretsch's in numerous of the Gin Blossoms videos in an attempt to get an endorsement that never came. Haha. I know the feeling, buddy. I love playin my Gretsch too. Gretsch, Gibson, and Fender. Damn man, they cover the spectrum. Oh well, dawg. I really hope Julie calls tonight, I'm beginning to feel empty.


12:08 a.m. - 2003-01-23


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