cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Julie, worked all day, leaving band

Hey Homies.

What's up? Sorry for the lack of updates today, I'll explain later why I didn't write all day.

Anyways, Julie called last night and it really worried me. It pissed me off too. She's having a rough time, and she got just a wee bit tipsy. She was doing so good too. Now I don't think alcohol is a bad thing unless you start abusing it. But who am I to tell someone else how to run their life? I don't know. I just love her and want her to be ok. She said she wanted to talk to me tonight, so I'm down with that. Hopefully we can go back to having good conversations like usual.

Blah, so as I was saying about why I didn't update. I fucking worked from this morning until about an hour ago. 9 hours of fucking work. My legs and back are hurting. We (Billy and I) were helping this guy move. I made $60. I was so pissed the whole day, because I was only supposed to stay until 1 and I was only supposed to help with one thing, but it ended up I had a lot more shit to do. It really pissed me off. I had to blow off band practice because of it, but oh well. I really don't even like the band and I'm probably cutting ties with it for numerous reasons. I sound like such a dick. Oh well, I'm not. I don't feel like explaining all the reasons why, but I will later. They're actually decent reasons too. So after we got home and I got to relax, reflecting on the day didn't seem so bad.. but I couldn't do it daily, this was much more difficult than any other job I've ever had before. It was good to have had it finished.

Oh well, I'm going to go. My knee hurts and I feel strong from all that heavy lifting!

"She seems to be stronger, but what they want her to be is weak. She could play pretend, she could join the game, boy. She could be another clone."
-Pearl Jam "Why Go"

I almost dropped in and had seen January a little earlier, was gonna pick up that QOTSA CD.. but I'm fucking dead. I worked too hard. I think I hurt my knee...


8:07 p.m. - 2003-01-09


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