cuke15's Diaryland Diary


36 secret things about me.

I had seen this in kelcsdiary's diary. (That's Kelsea). And I thought it'd be a good thing to do. 36 secret things about myself. Even though she had it down as only 35. Here we go.

I am...enjoying every lesson I learn in life.

I be able to live without anyone else's support.

I have...$86 in my wallet.

I wish...that I could be just like Eddie Vedder, but having as much fun as Butch Walker. Educating, but still having a shit load of fun.

I hate...sinning, even though I do it so much.

I miss...innocence; Going to church every week.

I fear...not pleasing God.

I feel...worried.

I crave...for the truth.

I search...for God.

I wonder...what I can do to help the world.

I regret...that more people aren't doing or thinking of things to better this world, yet a ton of people are complaining.


I ache...from sinning. Sinning is failure to me. I feel upset about it and I can change. It's the ache from falling away from God, when I know I've been closer to him than I am now.

I long...for the truth; for love; for tolerance.

I am...mine! (Pearl Jam plug!)

I care...about everyone, even if things have fallen apart with some.

I want... (another I want!) everyone to be happy. I want everyone to get along. I want everyone to be able to live without fear of disease or dying.

I improving on my life.

I am not...going as fast as I should be when I'm improving my life.

I God.

I have the truth finally being revealed about everything.

I cringe...when I realize the fact that it's a hard uphill battle to teach human's anything now. They'd rather be comforted into thinking everything's ok when it's not.

I dance...rarely, but when I do I enjoy it.

I sing...all the time! Always.

I cry...when listening to Pearl Jam's "Black" or when a good relationship ends.

I learn...something new every day.

I do not the things I should.

I listening to my heart.

I not pissing people off when I do so.

I fight...when people don't respect what I'm trying to be.

I write...every day. Writing helps me along my journey. The feelings and recaps I write give me insight into myself, and help me remember things years from now.

I give...advice, from my point of view in life.

I get...hugs everytime I go to concerts now.

I win...arguments and fights by not even competing.

I never...stop enjoying singing "I Don't Wanna Break Up" by Tsar at the top of my lungs!

I hope ya'll know me a little better by now. I'm in a selfish mood, today. Sorry. I was trying to think of ways to throw in some of my friends in the answers, but couldn't. Sorry. Grr, I can't wait for Billy to get home with some Subway!


12:14 p.m. - 2002-12-30


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