cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Library, Leonas, Lincoln Logs

Dudes, what's up?

Guess what! Constance bought me Lincoln Logs. Alright! Yay. Hehe. My stroke 9 cd still didn't come in at Sam Goody, plus they didn't have anymore Butch Walker CDs to buy. I *heart* my Lincoln Logs so much.

We went to the library last night too and I picked up some books from some liberal leftists. Hehe, we also went to Leona's and I met Kazu (I figured out I know his brother), and I played guitar for him and Leo and Sheri and Leo's sister and Constance. It was fun. I sucked at first, but I started kicking my usual ass. It took a while to get into it. I should start with my Epiphone when I play. I get more energy out of it anyways. I can always switch over to my Gretsch when I play softer songs or when I have my energy built up.

Anyways, here are the books I got:

Fast food nation : the dark side of the all-American meal by Eric Schlosser

The Collected Writings of Thomas Paine

The Stone Woman and 1968 Marching in the Streets by Tariq Ali.

Neat beans. I'm gonna go.

Miss ya Julie!


11:14 a.m. - 2002-12-17


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