cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Diary Reviewed

I would like to thank for reviewing my diary. Even though I don't necessarily agree with all of it, but I see the point of some of it.

Into the flood again...

Contact: Questionably titled e-mail and AIM links. (5/5)
Errors: Everything is okay. (5/5)
Navigation: Links are simply in a row along the top, but the
cast and AIM links aren't on the older page. Some of the links
are dubiously titled ("The Portal" for AIM). Also, you have a
lot of archives to go through; using test links, it looks pretty 
sloppy. (8/10)
Updates: Normally at least three entries a day, for this 
stretch. (16/15)
Layout Design: It's green. A green background with
everything else black. It's incredibly unexceptional. I'm
thinking colored scroll, but I always am. I don't know. It's 
pretty boring. (12/20)
Content: As you know, you generally do arecap, only 
sometimes go a little in depth about your feelings. I read 
starting in November a year ago, because I somehow 
became stupid with the archiving links, and your writing is
generally the same as it is now, perhaps with a little less 
emotion. Sometimes things get a little long, and skimming 
becomes necessary for life. (28/35)
Would I come back? Meh. You have far too much history for 
me to ever feel like I belonged, I guess. (2/5)
Bonus: Notify list, radio station, album reviews at Amazon, 
two petitions, cast, and self-designed. Maxed-out. (5/5)

Total Points: 81/100
Reviewed by:Vicky


3:09 p.m. - 2002-12-08


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