cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Technical mood, Pearl Jam

I'm in a very technical mood today. I'm up in linux right now. I think I'm finally going to configure Apache and get my webserver running. I'm going to probably also configure an FTP server and maybe even an IRC server. I'm sure this is all pretty interesting to everyone here. (end of sarcasm). I don't know. I'm just in the mood to do something today. I already configured an eggdrop yesterday for my IRC channel. I can't wait til I get a permanent connection. It'll make all this stuff much more practical. Today is the day I don't feel lazy. I'm almost finished with Matthew. I'm going to start back at Genesis and read all the way through, though. I had never read a Gospel and I felt I needed to. That's why I read Matthew. It changed my life a bit. Not enough, though. But what do you expect? I'm not that good of a person. I just need to keep applying myself and maybe things will change with help. Anyways, I was thinking about maybe keeping another diary on my webserver. Atleast that way I can have everything here locally and all that jazz. Maybe I'll even get that livejournal source. Who knows. I'm sure all you guys wouldn't mind having a livejournal on my computer. Blah. Maybe you would. I shouldn't speak for others. Who knows. All I know is I have a lot of documentation to go through to get this started.

I also was meaning to tell you that other than being in a technical mood today, I'm in a very Pearl Jam mood. I have been for the past couple of days. I just don't understand why I never completely liked them before Julie. It's weird. My uncle and I have the same views about them. We both like the first album so much because it's just straight-forward rock. The other ones are great too, but that first one kicked so much. They are a beautiful band, though. Amazing, beautiful, diverse and life-changing. Hah. All this prompts the question: Where would I be without Julie? Oh well, If I ever get my webserver, ftp, or irc servers started, I'll be sure to make links on the diary.

I love you all!

11:36 a.m. - 2002-11-08


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