cuke15's Diaryland Diary


reading, writing, other unimportant stuff

Hey homies.

Hope everyone's doing alright. I'm doing OK. I think my life is changing now. A good type of change too. I'm listening to 'Hey Jude' right now. If you don't know whom that's by, you really need to learn your music.

I don't know... I'm having a boring day. I'm in a reading mood lately. Reading, Learning, and Changing are the things I'm trying to accomplish. I don't know why I wanted to write an entry. I just got one of those urges. I get weird urges to write sometimes. In the car on the way home with Leona from the No Doubt concert I had the urge to write so I wrote a note to her and a fun little note to Jan that I think she needed to receive.

So anyways, I'm gonna go.


PS: Make sure to check out flangel0820's diary. She added me to her list of favorite diaries, and she's a fellow Butch fan... so of course her diary is probably pretty interesting. Also, she goes to UCF.

1:53 p.m. - 2002-10-29


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