cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Fucking bitch...

i just got this bullshit email from leona where she was telling me what chrissy was trying to tell her (that she's not ignoring me.) no, it's not ignoring me when I EMAIL YOU AND DONT GET A RESPONSE.. I MEAN, DO YOU STILL GET EMAIL WHEN YOU'RE NOT AT THE COMPUTER? YES. So don't get that "i didn't hear from him coz i'm never at the computer when he messages me" I guess that means you couldn't have gotten my e-mail because you weren't there? What kind of shit is that? Anyone knows you can get e-mail even if you're offline, or not at the comptuer, at the time it's sent. And even so, the other messages I sent her were on Yahoo.. and she would have responded via offline messages...and even if she hadn't gottne the mesasges (which is doubtful, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt).. she still would have had the email.. and she still should have contacted me considering I'm moving. It's complete bullshit, really. She's saying this shit to get out of the fact that she's been avoiding me. You throw into the fact that it's complete bullshit that she hasn't contacted me in anyway over the past week, anyways. Especially considering I'm moving. So Chrissy: Fuck you, you suck. You should know better than to try to play shit off like that. You know you've been avoiding _AND_ ignoring my e-mail and messages. You know where to reach me. If you choose not to reach me before I leave, that's your own fucked up mind. But what's it matter? You'll just go and blame it on your fucking family. There is like a 0.00% chance that you weren't avoiding me... and like a 2% chance you weren't ignoring me.. especially with Yahoo's offline messaging, and the fact that I sent you an e-mail. SO fucking play how you want to, I don't need that shit. This is only doing more to further prove the previous entry I wrote about you. You know where to reach me. I'm sick of the lies and the off and on bullshit. Now you read my e-mail and you respond, or you don't... it's up to you. I don't think I even want to care how your personality is, and how good of a person you are anymore.. because obviously you've stopped caring too. You won't make it anywhere in life treating people like that and you fucking know it. All I want is a simple fucking apology, a read over my e-mail and a resposne is all I ask for.. and maybe an explination of everything.


PS: Why the hell is it once I start tryign to make everything good again,a nd gain a relationship, I end up losing another one. It seems like a little joke. Sorry about the hostility of this entry, but I needed some way to vent. I get upset when really smart people are manipulative and cruel and are doing idiotic things.


you realize this is bullshit?

i assume you meant she said she wasn't ignoring me.. and she's just playing
on you, because i emailed her and she never emalie dme bcak.. and even if
she asn't online, she would have gotten my msgs in offline messages on
yahoo.. bullshit completely


----- Original Message -----
From: "Onna Ozra" 
Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 10:38 PM
Subject: Re:

> okee well im gonna need chrissy's number - i'll probably find it somewhere
> in my blue book cuz i asked her first period if she could take me to your
> place and she said yeah sure. I talked to her about you being really angry
> at her and that the reason is cuz she's ignoring you and she said she's
> never online when you msg her - so im guessing she just leaves her
> on *shrugs* so she doesnt know why yer angry with her- anywho im really
> tired so im off ta bed - ttyl! cya tomorrow - ja! -leona
> >From: "Tim Mason" 
> >To: "If i should choose to die alone you should forgive and forget me"
> >
> >Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 15:16:51 -0400
> >
> >hello..
> >
> >what'st he plan for tomorrow?
> >
> >Tim
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1:33 a.m. - 2002-10-27


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