cuke15's Diaryland Diary


United States, Shawn

Hello everyone.

I guess I didn't mention that Shawn has been over here the past two or three days. Well, he has been. It's pretty cool. We're being lazy, at least I am. I like that he's over here, it makes me think he cares to be spending time with me.

Anyways, hi. What's up? I don't have much to update all y'all on. I'm still talking to Melissa. We're talking about her looking at Kama Sutra websites. It's really a long story. I went to read some more of my U.S. History for Dummies book. There is so much you miss when studying U.S. History in the classroom, mainly the bad stuff. I think the bad parts just make us better now. We learned from the mistakes we've made. That's a good thing about our nation. I don't know. I think they should bare all our bad history in textbooks instead of trying to cover it up. That's just my opinion. I'm only up to 1800, but I went through everything that happened before that. It's really interesting, actually, to me. I don't know. I find American history fascinating. I usually hate history. But with U.S. History, I enjoy reading the principals and seeing how long everything has lasted. It makes me think that as screwed up as things are, this country is a living thing and certain politicians can't ruin the basic ideas this country was founded on. Oh well, I have a lot of dignity and pride for this country. The only people who don't are the jealous people and the ones who don't take the time to learn about it... or the ones who just want to talk shit for attention. That's my opinion and that's all I have to say.


3:21 a.m. - 2002-10-11


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