cuke15's Diaryland Diary


every word is true.

You know what I fucking hate? I cannot stand this fucking shit with Chrissy. If she wants to not say a fucking word to me, then fuck her. Seriously, fuck her. That's just a shitty thing to do. Maybe she's not even better as a freind anymore, not to me atleast. I'm looking at this situation and this is complete fucking bullshit. I can't stand this shit right now and it's very uncool. It's like when I want something, she always wants one step less than it.. When I want to be togehter, she wants to be friends... when I want to be friends.. she doesn't want to talk. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SHIT? THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT AND I FUCKING HATE IT. What kind of sick person does that shit? It doesn't matter, though. It really never mattered to her how I felt, as much as she'd like to say that it does matter. It doesn't. She's too busy for me now.. Well you know what, the only way she likes me is if I don't talk to her. So you know what? That's what's happening. Only this time I'm not fucking coming back until she proves to me she is fucking ready to be on the same level with me. I'm not someones fucking little toy and I'm not going to sit around and take abuse. This is fucking sick right now. Completely sick. I have done nothing to deserve this. As far as I'm concerned, she can enjoy her life without me and maybe so can I. I'm not just around for peoples fucking convinence. I don't need that in my fucking life right now. Especially from her. I've been taken for granted way too much. There is hardly anyoen who will sit around and take all this torture, but i did it.. well I'm fucking fed up with it and I don't know what else to do except say good fucking bye. I'm not some little toy to be used and manipulated. I'm a fucking person with fucking feelings and I'm sick of having them stepped on by her. Jesus Christ, Chrissy.. I think of you so much, maybe you could think of me for once in your fucking life. Or maybe 3 years of writing diary entries isn't enough to fucking show you how much I care about you.. well no fucking more. I hope this makes you fucking happy.. I hope something does in your twisted life, because only someone as fucking cruel as you would treat someone who has this much to offer (read diary) like this.


3:31 p.m. - 2002-09-28


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