cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Part 3..

Update #2 today.. Part 3 or 6 of the longest survey ever. Message to Chrissy on previous entry!

401. Ever stuck your hand up a cow's ass? Actually..... no.

402. Ever been artificallly insemenated? Yes *cries*. hehe. jk.

403. Would you ever carry your sisters baby? Uh.. no.. this survey is getting lame.

404. How about mine? No.

405. How high is your threshold for pain? I can take a lot of pain.

406. Why do apples change colors if you leave them out? Because they die faster if they're left out.

407. Whats that smell? I don't smell anything.

408. Are your legs open? OH yeah.. sorry.

409. What did I tell you about that? I know I know *hangs head*

410. When will you learn? never.

411. What time is it? 2:09 PM

412. Where do spots come from on dalmations? Fucked if I knew.

413. How many keys are on your keyring? 2.

414. Do you got weave? No.

415. Does pen come off of you easily? No.

416. Know anyone named BillyBob? No.

417. Why is Bertha a fat girl name? haha.. just look at the name.

418. Ever believe a rumor? Probably when I was 13.

419. Ever spread one? Of course.

420. Ever made one up? Of course.

421. About who? teachers..

422. What was it? I don't know.. just shit kids like to say.

423. Would you do it again? nah.. i'm too lazy to spread rumors anymore.

424. If you've never done it.. would you? N/A.

425. Do you compete? Sure

426. For what? to be the most musically knowledgeable person of all my friends.

427. with who? all my freinds.

428. Do you sleep in class? No.

429. Do you have clumps in your eyelashes? haha. no.

430. Do you wanna lick me from my head to my toes? Can I get to know you first?

431. Are you a fast writer? I can be.

432. Do you have more guy or girl friends? girls.

433. Do ppl tell you stuff you don't care about? sometimes.

434. Ever gotten roses? No.. given roses away though.

435. From who? N/A

436. For what reason? N/A

437. Ever fucked in an elevator? nope. reminds me of mallrats

438. Do you have a 3rd nipple? nope.

439. Ever waved to a truck driver? Yes.

440. Do you know anyone who constantly puts stuff in their mouth? Don't think so.

441. Ever had Britney Spears glasses? No.

442. Do you cross the lines when you drive? N/A

443. Ugliest car: yours.

444. Ever gone crazy? Yep

445. Last time you were hung up on? i don't remember.. i dont waste my time with situations that turn to shit anymore.. so usually im the one who hangs up.

446. By who? dunno

447. why? dunno

448. Do you know how to pump gas? yes.

449. Weirdest body position? Ever played crab soccer?

450. Foulest smelling odor: rotting trash

451. Do men have a secret life? i know some people who do. I don't.

452. Who does? obviously Chewy does.. secret from Tammy.. sorry.. I'm still bitter about that.

453. What's he doing when he's not calling? Uh.. Heh.. No answer.

454. Last time you whispered? Yesterday.

455. What do guys really want? to feel loved by a girl.. to feel worthy..

456. What do you want? to feel love.

457. How do you wear your hair for the holidays? same as always

458. 10 ways to turn the opposite sex on: 1) tell them what you want to do wtih them.. 2) make out with them.. agressively 3) rub their thigh.. 4) suck on their neck.. 5) blow on their neck.. 6) blow on their ear.. 6) play with nipples.. 7) grind yourself against them thru clothing.. 8) rub the side of their stomach 9) finger.. 10) slip them something.. .wow that was hard to think of all those.

459. Are you happy? sure

460. Are you sexy? in my own sexy way, yes.

461. Are you healthy? except for the cancerous depression sure..

462. What dazzles you? a good rock show.

463. Are feathers ticklish? yes.

464. Do you have a little black book? No. that reminds me of Sam Malone.

465. What's your astrological sign? Virgo.

466. Do you believe in horoscopes? I believe that if you believe they're true then they'll turn out that way.

467. Last book you read: "to kill a mockingbird".. still reading "on the road"

468. Ever had a rubber band in your mouth? Yes

469. Do you count calories? No

470. Do you have a uniboob? No? I don't think?

471. Ever let madame cleo help you out? No.

472. Favorite gemstone: Dunno.

473. Are you moody? Yes.

474. Whats the story morning glory? Oasis rocks.

475. Best kisser ever: Chrissy and I the first time around.

476. Ever been to your best friend's wedding: no

477. Are you claustrophobic? no

478. Who is perfect? Jesus?

479. How many lives do caterpillars have? one.

480. Last time you babysat: when I was in middleschool.

481. Least fav. person to babysit: Dunno.

482. How much do you charge? Dunno.

483. What are you wearing? Boxers & Hawaiian PJs

484. Ever eaten grass? Yes.

485. What about smoked it? Yes.

486. Smartest little kid you know: me!

487. Last person you hugged: my mom.

488. Is anyone going to answer these? I am.

489. What are your plans for tonite? eat pizza!

490. Ever been to a karaoke bar? Yes.

491. What about a bar? Yes

492. Ever had a margarita? No.

493. Ever been to margaritaville? No.

494. Where do you want to travel to? Atlanta

495. Whose ass do you want to kick? Osama Bin Laden

496. why? Obvious Reasons

497. Last thing you kicked? I tripped over Buddy last night.. I guess that counts.

498. Any STD's? No.

499. Last time you got drunk: Last time Shawn came over.

500. With who? Shawn.

501. Was it funny? Probably funny for him when I fell.

502. Did you kiss anyone? No.

503. Last person you told that you would fuck? Jan... I'm regretting saying that now..

504. Last time you hit your head against a wall: Dunno

505. Fav. pair of earrings: None.

506. Do you have an office with a view? No.

507. Ever worn a blue suit? No.

508. Got any pepsi stuff? No

509. Salt or pepper? Salt.

510. Least fav. condom flavor? Uh.. Dunno.. probably latex rubber flavor.

511. Longest lasting kiss: Fucked if I knew.. either one with Chrissy or Katie.

512. Best friends: Leona.. Shawn.

513. Best french fries: McDonalds

514. Why do gay ppl have dinner parties? Uh.. to socialize?

515. Do you know any gay men? I don't think so.. maybe.

516. Approximately how long do you stay in your pajamas on the weekend? unless I go out, the whole time.

517. Did you go shopping on Black Friday? I don't know.

518. Why is it called black friday? I don't know.

519. Who is wonderful? me!

520. What is horrible? terrorism.

521. Last person you said I love you to? Probably Leo.

522. Are you afraid of love? Nah.

523. Do you spit or swallow? spit.. if we're talking about gum.

524. Has anyone ever used ice on you in a sexual way? No.

525. Where? N/A.

526. Who was it? N/A.

527. Fav. flavor of altoids? uh.. the regular kind.

528. Ever put altoids in your mouth and gave head? No.

529. Whats the point of all this? I don't know.

530. Fav. country song: Acky Breaky Heart. hahha.

531. Biggest loser you know: I don't want to defame anyone.

532. Ever seen George of the Jungle? yes.

533. Know anyone named George? used to.

534. Ever pretended you were gay? yes.. I once thought I was bi too.. maybe I am.

535. Why? pretending to be gay is fun.

536. Person you like to smile at: my dog.

537. Person with the most annoying laugh: Sheri.

538. Best movie soundtrack: Scorpion King or Spiderman

539. Do you know the way to Santa Fe? Go west.

540. Can you do two things at once? Depends on what the two things are.. I'm trying to learn (and making significant progress) in learning how to sing and play guitar at the same time.

541. Ever called the psychic friends? No.

542. Are you psychic with your friends? I've got a psyhich sense.. yeah.

543. Have you seen My Best Friends Wedding? No.

544. Who do you think Michael should have married? N/A

545. What do you think of Julia Roberts? She used to be hot.

546. Do you have your underarms? yes

547. Who is in the room with you right now? Chalupa the dog.

548. What are you thinking about? why my Injected CD is fucked up... who the hell reads my diary.. when my mom gets home and if she'll be nice enough to order a pizza.

549. Do you have a class ring? No.

550. Whats your flesh color? Caucasian.

551. Do you wear flesh colored hose? No.

552. Worst driver you know: Dyanne almost had us killed.. so her.

553. Why are they so bad? she almost had us killed.

554. What kind of computer do you have? HP Pavilion.

555. What kind of modem? Winmodem.. blah.

556. Fav. kind of pet? doggy

557. Do you believe in God? yes... but now how most people believe in him.

558. What religion are you? Baptist

559. Do you like your hair up or down? down.

560. Funnest song to sing? the lovely bunch of coconuts song.

561. Best talent: I play guitar really well.

562. How much do you weigh? 180.

563. Shoe size: 14.

564. Best sport? hockey.

565. Fav. cartoons: Spongebob, As Told By Ginger, Daria..

566. What do you hear right now? Injected's "Faithless"

567. Least fav. vegetable? Broccoli.

568. Do your parents make you eat it? No.

569. Do you have cyber sex? I used to when I was like 12 or 13.

570. Who knows you best? Chrissy or Shawn or Leona.

571. Ever been up at the crack of dawn? Yes.

572. Why do they call it the crack of dawn? Because that's when the dawn cracks in.

573. What color is your hair dryer? I don't have one.

574. Ever been to a monster truck show? Yes.

575. Fav. monster truck? I don't know.

576. Favorite monster: either grover or the two headed monster on sesame street.

577. What color are your kitchen cabinets: brown.

578. Who do you like to shop with? Dyanne was fun.. Shawn.. Chrissy

579. Last time you went shopping? Ages ago.

580. Who do you talk to the most? Chrissy *sigh*.. but in the same context I don't want to because I like giving things to her the way she wants them.

581. Who do you want to have sex with? no one really.

582. Last thing you drank? Sunny Delight.

583. Last time you smoked: It's been a while

584. Last time you made out with someone? August 25th.

585. Where? My Bed.

586. Who? January.. blah.

587. Are you sleepy? no

588. Do you get cramps? yes.. not menstrual cramps if that's what you're referring to. heheh.

589. Silliest person? Chelle.

590. Ever been in a wedding? No.

591. Last wedding you went to? None.

592. What were you thinking when you woke up? "I gotta get up and restart this file transfer.."

"Blah.. I'm missing congress." "I gotta keep workin on the survey" "Im hungry"

593. Ever taken it to the hoop and scored? yes

594. Do you know any wrestlers? yes

595. Ever been to another country? yes

596. Do you have a passport? yes.

597. Do you like Barbie? sure.. why not?

598. Ever seen Marvin's magic drawing board? no.

599. What's amazing? Love.

600. Whats your moms name? Suzanne Marie Mason

2:45 p.m. - 2002-09-12


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