cuke15's Diaryland Diary


what I do all day.

Well hello friends. Another good day of sleeping. I felt bad when I had went to sleep, though, because Rachel and Jan had both messaged me wanting to talk. Oh well. I was too tired to stay up anyways. I'm getting good sleep lately. My mom didn't bring me home subway today.. but she made me a big ass slab of ham. Hehe. That's my second favorite food ever after wontons. She's getting me a sub today, though. Turkey, Lettuce, and Cheese. Damn straight. OH YEAH! Dude.. my friend April called me from Jacksonville..wee.. she asked if I could come over today and I told her no and I'd just see her at the No Doubt show. That's how we met in the first place (at a show). Do you ever realize how this diary is just a log of all the females, music, and sometimes food in my life? I guess that's just what interests me. So yeah. I also heard from fat ass ugly girl Sarah a couple days ago. I haven't heard from her in a while. She tried to get me to go on webcam on Yahoo, so I did, but she couldn't figure out how to use it. Fucking moron. If I ever have my webcam up.. cuke15 on Yahoo.. everyone is welcome to watch.. it doesn't mean you have to talk to me and I won't talk to you. I think we know who that general comment was for. Oh well, anyways, I guess you guys should know why I don't update long entries anymore.. because basically my life consists of waking up, watching nick at night (if cheers or cosby show is playing), then eating something, then watching Sesame Street, then watching Court TV all day until I'm about to go to sleep, then eating something, then sleeping. I'm also talking on the intenret during this time. I know it sounds lazy, but it's not. Wee. They had warped tour pictures from Jax on the webpage (you have to be one of the lucky 100 to see them.. hehe *insert daily bragging to raise self-esteem*). They were promoting Autopilot Off. I hope atleast one of you from Camden got to see them. Wee.. well I'm going to go check what's on Nick-at-Nite and maybe eat something and then talk to Leo at 6:30ish..

I love you all!

PS: I know it doesn't sound like a lot.. but when you have a rough life it's hard to do a lot of shit until you get back on your feet. I guarantee you I do have aspirations and I guarantee you I will get to them.

1:50 a.m. - 2002-08-30


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